Lifestyle · Traveling

Malibu Wine Safari Tour! Summer Bucket List!

Hello lovely's! I haven't posted on here in a while! Where have I been you ask? Well mostly at the library studying. I know it's not the ideal summer vacation destination spot, but it's what has to be done in order to graduate a little faster! But in the mix of all this, I've had… Continue reading Malibu Wine Safari Tour! Summer Bucket List!

Disney · Lifestyle · Outfits

Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party!! | Disney | Outfits | Lifestyle |

Hello Lovlies! I realized it's been over 1 month and a half since I last posted on this blog! The time has honestly flown by, not to mention my crazy work hours don't really leave me with a whole lot of time to create blog posts, take photos, etc... However I sincerely plan to jump… Continue reading Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party!! | Disney | Outfits | Lifestyle |


What I got for my 20th birthday! | Haul | Lifestyle |

Good morning! A few weeks ago I celebrated my 20th birthday! It's still so hard to believe that I'm now in my early 20's and I'm no longer a teenager! It's seems like the word "teenager" was my title for the longest time! It's crazy that it's no longer in my life! My birthday was… Continue reading What I got for my 20th birthday! | Haul | Lifestyle |


Turning 20 years old in 1 month?! BIRTHDAY WISH LIST!! | Lifestyle

The time has come, my 19th year on this earth is coming to an end, there's only 1 month until my 20th birthday?! Where did the time go? Personally I still have not adjusted to this, I feel as though I'm still in my late teens, but the reality is I'm no longer a teenager… Continue reading Turning 20 years old in 1 month?! BIRTHDAY WISH LIST!! | Lifestyle


If your not enjoying life, is something wrong with you? | Real Talk | Lifestyle

Many of us may feel as though we’re stuck in life, and your probably thinking is there something wrong with me? Does everyone feel like this? The answer is probably yes. Almost everyone is the world may feel as if their not enjoying themselves from time to time, I believe it’s perfectly normal to not… Continue reading If your not enjoying life, is something wrong with you? | Real Talk | Lifestyle